• RPCC will act as a useful repository for health policy documents

The Research to Policy Communication Cell (RPCC) within the  Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) is an online portal and repository of relevant evidence for tackling health problems in Bangladesh that was originally established as part of a Welcome Trust/WHO grant to icddr,b to enhance evidence-informed health policy making. The RPCC acts as a point of contact and communicator of high quality evidence for health policy decision-making between DGHS and the research community. Through RPCC- research evidence, knowledge of health issues and health interventions are disseminated in the form of policy briefs and full-length articles to both the public, research community and policy makers of Bangladesh.

This website aims to be a one-stop-shop of information for those interested in health research and health policy in Bangladesh. Hosted by the DGHS, this website pulls together health research evidence from academic publications, policy briefs, newspapers and other source

SHARE (Strengthening Health, Applying Research Evidence) project implemented by icddr,b is supporting the DGHS to strengthen RPCC. This is a capacity building initiative under the European Union’s ‘Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme’ (SPHIP) being implemented in eight countries including Bangladesh. 

Recent Document
  • Family Planning : A Global Handbook for providers
  • Bridging the gap of human resources for health
  • Guidelines on sanitation and health


This resources section intends to facilitate access to the latest research but also support those carrying out their own cutting ...
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Policy Brief

Policy briefs are intended to summarise highly technical information in a concise manner. They are aimed at policymakers and policy ...
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Research Guide

The pages in this section aim to support your own research activities. Among other information, you will find tools to ...
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eLibrary is one of the most comprehensive collections of books, journals, articles and e-resources. Many of these will be accessible ...
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Recent Publication from PubMed

Recent Activities

Jan 14

4th Cafe Scientifique

icddr,b’s ‘Strengthening Health, Applying Research Evidence (SHARE)’ project in collaboration with  Department of Population Sciences (DPS), University of Dhaka has  organised the (4)fourth Café Scientifique on 14th January 2019 with the theme of social and health care needs of elderly population in Bangladesh. This is a platform for open discussion ..Read more

Dec 20

6th TAG Meeting

TAG meeting

Prof. Dr. Nasima Sultana, ADG (Admin), DGHS chaired the TAG meeting. Dr. Iqbal Anwar, Scientist, and Principal Investigator, of SHARE project welcomed all the meeting participants.


Highlights of the discussion:


The meeting minutes of the 5th TAG meeting were read-out and after detailed discussions it was approved unanimously.
Then Dr. Iqbal Anwar ..Read more